viernes, 23 de marzo de 2012

Nuevos paquetes de sonido para nuestro PC3X

Parece que la reciente salida del nuevo sistema operativo ha animado a los creadores de sonido a lanzar sus nuevas creaciones.
El primero ha sido Art of Sound que desde la República Checa nos ofrece un enorme set de sonidos. Consta de 8 bancos con un total de 641 programas. Parece que detrás de esta propuesta se encuentra un grupo de músicos y programadores checos liderados por Tomáš Peterka.
"Exclusiva colección de programas con sonidos profesionales que contiene emulaciones de sintetizadores clásicos, pads, bajos, leads, y sintetizadores diseñados para usar con el arpegiador interno del PC3."
El precio es de 145 €, un precio realmente alto Aquí está por fin su demo en vídeo:

Más información en su canal de youtube y su página en facebook.

El segundo proyecto que ha salido a la luz es obra de nuestro viejo conocido Poser_p
Poser ha preferido hacer lo contrario. Ha colgado los ocho primeros manuales de su nueva colección denominada NXT 1.0 que tiene previsto liberar a principios del próximo mes de abril por 39 dólares americanos.
En su vieja idea de los sintetizadores virtuales programables hace una descripción un tanto oscura, para los que no dominamos el inglés:
O.k., in my best marketing voice (ahem):
Musikmesse, 2012 -- Are you tired of "normal" soundware? You know the drill -- some VA sounds (that sound like all the other VA sounds), some pads, some leads, perhaps a bit of spit and polish applied to stock ROM sounds. Then, my friend, you are read for what's NXT. 
NXT 1.0 exploits the messy, gooey goodness of VAST. Aliasing? Heck yeah! Glitched-out coke-fueled trips to a late 70's that never actually existed? You betcha! Stuff that sounds awesome? We have that too. And with sliders (and buttons, if you ask nicely).

NXT 1.0 Includes ten synth "models", each with ten presets that demonstrate (in a cheesy 80's synth sort of way) what each model is capable of doing. They are:
* PLINK -- Electric piano sounds and lead synth sounds in the same Program, without all the Nor... er... muck that keeps you from Yanni-on-crack soulful fulfillment. And great hair.
* AteBit -- Asteroids! Make love, make music, make bleeps and bloops without apology. And synth sounds too.
* ForM -- Wanna get horny with only three Layers? ForM does that. Wanna shred afterwards? ForM does that too.
* BAD -- It is. Saw and Square (with upgrades) together forever in pure synthesizer bliss.
* BLOW -- Blow your way through your inheritance, then ride off into an eight-bit sunset you made on your Amiga. BLOW makes PITCHER cool again, because it wasn't... Already cool? Yeah...
* FAM -- AM, meet FM. FM, meet AM. Now get into it.
* WHUT -- Lol Whut?? Who in their right mind would put this madness in a serious soundware release?
* Ole Miss -- Now that you've stopped lol'ing, this WRAP stuff is actually kinda cool. Hello free-run oscillator emulation! Mostly...
* PADMAN -- It's o.k. to make pads. Everyone does it.
* SIMPLR -- Step 1: Mess with internal ROM keymaps.... Step N: Profit!

NXT 1.0 also includes a replacement Control Setup that will make your life complete, water your lawn, let you play monophically or polyphonically (with a few choices for portamento time), and sequence with the built-in Arpeggiator (and some transposing tricks). All without leaving the comfort of Program mode.
At this point you may be thinking "don't all soundware developers just post their stuff for sale with no demos?". Of course! Otherwise you'd never part with your hard-earned cash. Poser's Kitchen is different. We believe in the idea that you should know what you're getting, before you get it. So here you go -- the video user's manual free for your viewing pleasure on YouTube: You'll laugh, you'll cry, and you'll waste a good chunk of your life learning that WRAP is more than turkey in a tortilla.
If, after all of this, you're ready to part with your hard-earned cash (to the tune of $39.95), then sit tight and wait a week or two. We're still trying to figure out how to get 100% real cheese into a keyboard. Once that's settled, you'll be able to to get your mitts on a fresh copy of NXT 1.0 at Poser's Kitchen world headquarters --

Note: So, yeah, we tried once to do some soundware (cough--bcrbox--cough). That ended up being harder than solving world peace, so we've scaled things back a bit and this time it's gonna happen. Promise. Pinky swear.  

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